The Sint-Lievensmonstertoren in Zierikzee

You start the walk from the free car park on the Scheldestraat. Take a good look at the ground. Do you see the round stepping stones on the footpath? If you follow this 'city jewels route', you will walk via various monuments to the centre of the city. The first monument you come to is one of the most prominent in Zierikzee: the Sint-Lievensmonstertoren. 

This 62-metre tall 'Dikke Toren' can be seen from afar as you approach Zierikzee. It was supposed to be the tallest tower in the Netherlands, but during construction, the money ran out and the tower could not be completed. Climb the 279 steps of De Sint-Lievensmonstertoren and enjoy a wonderful view of Zierikzee, the Zeeland bridge and the region.

Location: Kerkplein 2, 4301 EE Zierikzee